Comments received from various participants at Camp Fareta 2009
From returning campers:
Love the outdoor dance pavilion right next to a small swimming lake! So great!
Positivity all around. Friendly. It’s nice that everyone is sorta out of their element/comfort zone – so it’s conducive to meeting new people, and making friends.
Denise (the chef) rocks!
I’m just VERY GRATEFUL for Camp Fareta. It really is something very special. I’d like to keep attending every single year till I drop dead. Seriously. Thank you!
I loved having beginning classes a few times so that no classes were too crowded and the beginners got a special opportunity for master-level focus. FANTASTIC CURRICULUM! FANTASTIC INSTRUCTION.
The food was was excellent! I felt so good during and after camp…trying to keep up that lifestyle back home now.
From New Campers:
The high point was just being there with such high quality instruction.
We appreciate everything the Fareta and Hye Sierra camp staff did. Lots of hard work, much appreciated, and we also appreciate the opportunity to do work-study.
The atmosphere was very warm and friendly, almost the same as family.
The camp is artistically amazing, the music is REALLY something special.
I thoroughly enjoyed Camp Fareta; the people, the instructors and the classes. I hope to become a regular as I found this a more culturally rounded way to experience, learn and embrace African dance, history and drum. The only disappointment was that I had to leave early!